The Last Frontier Podcast

Winter Solstice

Daniel Meuninck, Andrew Smith Episode 117

The winter solstice seems to have more meaning the higher in latitude you travel on the globe. With this episode dropping the weekend of winter solstice, we explore the significance of the winter solstice in the Last Frontier. Join us as we discuss how the solstice has been celebrated historically by Alaska Natives to ways you can enjoy the winter solstice today. How much sunlight do various parts of Alaska receive on the winter solstice? What symbolism does the winter solstice take on in the Last Frontier? And how is Andrew's spiritual transformation affected by his Dungeons & Dragons character?! It's the episode you'll listen to in your sweat pants!

Alaskan Beer of the Week: Winter Cranberry Ale by Grace Ridge Brewing Company

Music By: Blackwater Railroad Company [] and Scott Buckley []

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